Review Detail

4.1 83
California 164265
Aug 2, 2018
Overall rating
Overall Experience
if you have read these ratings at all you know that everyone agrees camp san luis Obispo has "NOTHING" for kids to do, so it constantly amazes me that folks still bring them here. as I sit I watch people camped in overflow, camping for $5.00 all with a load of kids. for the past three days they have literally trashed the shower houses using them for playgrounds, having water fights and then throwing dirt clods into the showers at one another, what an awful mess they make daily for the custodial crew to have to clean up. why on earth would you bring a tribe of kids to a camp with zero things for kids to do, that's what KOA campgrounds are made for. I found out today that all these kids are not with military people but with civilian contracters. shame on you people, the army gives you this privilage and you take advantage of it. I really hope that the administration stop the practice of allowing non military people into the park. 
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October 19, 2018
The expansion that you were championing in a previous review of the place will only bring more of this. Nevertheless, why bring children here over a KOA? Nature. And I've witnessed children of active-duty parents cause far worse issues than cleaning messes in the showers.
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