Review Detail

3.4 53
California 68418
December 2015
Overall rating
Overall Experience
it is a shame to have to review a park I have always liked and say things I hate to say, but like so many other things in life, the boss can't fix it if they don't realize its broke. the r.v. park at Lemoore has steadily gone down over the past few years. when I was here this time there were a lot of homesteader types there, the park was pretty full, but it would appear to be folks being transferred to Lemoore with no base housing. the base mess hall is gone now, apparently a victim of bad management. the gas station has taken to not trusting the navy personel to the point of not being able to buy propane or fuel without telling them exactly how much you need and paying up front, then if you don't go over you get to stand in line again till they have time to refund your money. the park is falling apart, weeds, and enough cockroaches at night to definitely keep you locked in your coach, the cable is spotty, as is whatever they have (if anything) called wi fi, we long since gave that up and bought our own hotspot. All in all the Lemoore experience has pretty much played itself out. we took our trailer out of storage there and moved it to another base. they are telling us the base will double in size over the next few years. so with the absence of any housing for all these new sailors and civilian workers, I figure a space at Lemoore will only be a memory. too bad, we loved the employees at the village and have stayed here 3 to 5 times a year. sadly maybe no more
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