Review Detail

4.5 130
California 199139
May 31, 2017
Overall rating
Overall Experience
Just some updated information about base access. There has been some confusion about which gate to enter the base through. There are 2 gates. The Westminster gate is the truck gate (OK for cars too). This gate is open 5:30 AM until 5:30 PM, Monday thru Friday. It is also open one weekend per week during drill weekends (usually the 3rd weekend). My suggestion is to always go to the Main gate on Seal Beach Blvd. if it is after 1730 or a weekend. At least you will be able to turn a large rig around there if you must then go to the truck gate. The RV park is much easier to get into since May of 2016 when long term stays were changed. If your stay has a holiday in it, make sure you reserve 2 months ahead. If there is no holiday you can usually reserve space a few days ahead. Space numbers are not pre-assigned. There are 85 large paved spaces with 25 being pull-thru. You may not get a pull-thru though have requested one. All have full hook-ups. 
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