Review Detail

4.5 157
Colorado 181377
1Dec18 to 1Mar19
Overall rating
Overall Experience
USAFA famcamp is being mismanaged. There are signs telling the user (Us) to help out and clean up. Interesting how there are 30-40 of us RV’rs paying $590 a month (winter rates) you’d think they could find someone to clean the bathrooms for 3-4 hrs a day for 15/hr!!!! Kinda makes you wonder why we pay fees to use the facilities since they are NON-Appropriated funds which keeps it open! Also, mis-management doesn’t like it if you are connected to water if it’s 32degrees or lower, never mind the Iowa farmers use these same water spigots year round, if you are connected she’ll charge you $50 when the rounds are made at 9am! I put up with these nitwits as they pretend work as tin cup dictators for 4 hours a day because when they are gone it’s a beautiful, quiet RV heaven even with the trains going by 5-6 per hour, winds are minimal if they do blow hard since the trees protect us and the stadium has a huge parking lot to run the pups! The trains don’t blow the whistle at they used too- FYI, you will feel the rumble the further east you are and less to the west side of the camp! BX has a great amount of camping supplies in the back while The commissary has fantastic prices even with the 5% surcharge, I couldn’t believe it. I spoke with the manager there and apparently they had a come to Jesus moment a bit ago and realized that without us users -they don’t exist, so they adjusted their pricing model! Hmm, imagine that...capitalism at work, perhaps the commissary should school the famcamp since neither get appropriated monies and solely exist from a limited and dwindling user base without handouts to remain open! Time will tell! Local tv channels will bring 4 solid news/sports/weather, 1 full time weather and a healthy array of Spanish and NPR-snooze stations. If you dish or direct don’t worry, there’s plenty of places to park if you have roof mounted or portable- just see the list on the restroom info center glass box and each site shows you where is best for sat access. If you winter over there’s a cold spurt the first of December and end of Jan. Figure about 6 - 8 snow events a season with the moisture of the snow increasing starting in March since it’s warmer then, otherwise it’s dry fluffy snow single digits and teen temps-nights with Daytime its 30-40 and melts. Entrance to famcamp gets snow plowed but not inside the park, at least you can drive around to choose a site that gets south side facing exposure to the sun or completely surrounded by trees if you want but in the summer time your site is assigned. Lastly, the north gate will be under construction soon, the DOD is giving away 50ish acres to the host city to put in a boat load of hotels and shops to accommodate May graduation and their visitors so keep that in mind, also don’t forget that the north gate closes at 10PM daily- in/out traffic. Enjoy and hopefully this forum brings better service awareness and to not take advantage of we the users.
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