Review Detail
3.8 64
Feb-Mar 2018
Overall rating
Overall Experience
We were thankful to be able to get a camping spot at Robins when we arrived. The campground was full the whole time we were there, it appears that people have figured out how to work the system to save spots by placing a tent in the spot to hold it but never occupying the spot until they return. Also notice tents were being allowed to rent RV camping (concrete) spots. Many folks with RVs would come in looking for a spot and find numerous spots with pop-up tents with no occupancy that were being saved. All other Famcamps I believe require the RV with occupants to be there. Not sure if there is any priority system applied for Active Duty, Retired, or DOD Employees. Also, not sure how DOD contractors fall into this priority. Campground sites were larger than average sites and there were no issues with electric, water, or sewer. Wish they'd spend some funds to pave the roads, or fill the pot holes. Unfortunately I would not call this a clean campground. Pet owners are advised upon arrival to pick up their pet droppings, however we observed several folks ignoring this requirement. In addition, we noticed a lot of pet droppings while walking around the campground. The area around the trash dumpster was very trashy, to include box springs, pallets, bedding, etc., which were dumped outside the dumpster. These items were not picked up the whole time we were there. We did not see any staff checking the campground for rules being followed or any other issues like the dumpster, etc. It appeared that the campground was under staffed, and we didn’t notice any maintenance or cleanup being done. Finally it appears that people have figured how to stay in the campground for lengthy stays, more on a full time basis. This campground is conveniently located and has the potential to be a beautiful campground.
2 results - showing 1 - 2
April 06, 2018
Kinda confused, you were able to get a camping spot at Robins?
Alabama Mike
May 20, 2018
We went to check out the campground and there were no sites available. Just a plethora of stupid little $5 pop up tents and a bucket or two holding the spots. Obviously for the low lifes that are abusing the system by living fulltime in the RV park that is meant for rest and relaxation by people who are VACATIONING or retired! Just because you have figured out how to beat the system by purchasing a cheap FEMA trailer and living in an RV park instead of a house does not make it right. We watched people pull out and then put those ridiculous kiddy tents in the spot. It was obvious no one was going to be in that spot until they did their 10 day in/out theory. This really makes me mad and I don't know why the military allows it. The office was deserted and the place was a mess. I can't figure out how anyone can ever get a spot there. Understaffed is a joke. There is no staff at all.
2 results - showing 1 - 2