Review Detail
4.4 97
Aviation Arbor RV Park
Nov 2019
Overall rating
Overall Experience
Made reservations via the Navy lodging 1-800 number. Got a call from the park office a few hours before we arrived saying they had to close early and the camp host would have our info packet. Were also given our site number. Easily weaved our 42' fifth wheel around the barricades at the front gate. Parked at our site, and the host came over, gave us our welcome packet and we got all setup. Easy to get satellite signal. Utilities worked fine. No fenced-in dog area, though there is a small open area at the far end of the "B" loop he was able to run a bit. Also ran him in a grassy area across from the RV Park. As always, have your bags to pickup after your dog. Unfortunately, too many RVers fail to do that. Some sound of freedom, but overall it is not a noisy base. Another reviewer suggested taking Gen DeGaulle instead of Rt 23. I disagree. De Gaulle has about 3 miles of rough, broken concrete roadway whereas 23 is mostly asphalt and not as rough (tunnel is rough concrete). But, 23 has more traffic lights. On the concrete part of De Gaulle, traffic is very light, so you can go slower than the posted speed limit. 23 typically has a lot of traffic. You will hit the rough concrete part of 23 regardless of direction you come. The campground laundry has 3 washers and 6 dryers. The washers are $1 for 40 minutes and the dryers are $.75 for 30 minutes. The posted hours are M-Sat 8:30 - 16:30, closed Sundays. According to the Algiers ferry web page, the ferry is closed thru Dec 19. Parking in NOLA can get expensive depending on the parking lot you use. Thjere is a web page for NOLA parking info. Virtually every road I drove on was in bad shape compared to almost everywhere else in the south. The LA 23 barbeque joint outside the main gate is pretty good if you like barbeque. Diesel is available on base but it might be a few cents cheaper off base.
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January 01, 2020
I have a 41' 5er. Not actually measured, but is stated to be 13'4". Did you go thru the tunnel? Thanks! Mike - Ret US Army MSG
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