Review Detail

3.9 38
Massachusetts 59779
May 29 to June 12th, 2013
(Updated: June 13, 2013)
Overall rating
Overall Experience
Our arrival at the famcamp did not go smoothly, it took a long time on a hot afternoon to have one of the outdoor recreation staff members to arrive to open the office, not the member who had posted the sign about to call him on the door. We were given three sites to choose from, except one was occupied but not noted on the status board. We did not want the site in the trees and chose the end site (#20). This famcamp appears to be tolerated, rather than show pride of ownership in its appearance and upkeep. When we went to the laundry there was a female camper sweeping the floor and her husband doing the touch up. She could not stand it any longer. Outdoor Rec gave her the broom. For some reason the laundry door is propped open 24 hours a day. Our site had electrical problems, 30amp and 20 amp service. When the campers in the trees lost their power from a nearby lightening strike we got our box fixed that lasted for one week. The air conditioner would have a very strange sound as though it were stalling out. Who ever was closest to it would shut it off. A few minutes later everything would be fine until the next time it occurred. The neighbor in site 19 originally had electrical
problems when they arrived in March but they were repaired and have worked fine. The rate posted is $20 for the day, $240 for Two weeks, $480 for Four weeks. The laundry is now $1 for washers and dryers. We enjoyed meeting some of the fellow campers. This base is convenient to day trip to all of the New England states except ME. We will return to the base to meet our friends but will stay elsewhere. Besides Masse's restaurant, seek out Bernies Restaurant on James street, just outside the back gate (which closes at 6PM). They are closed on Mondays and give you large portions for the money charged. We had a short wait at 6:30 on a Tuesday but it was well worth it. The Chicopee Library is about 4.5 miles from the famcamp on Front street and is well equipped. We went to the family services building to use the computers to check email, they are set up for smart card users. The USO located there runs a food bank for the lower rank enlisted. We brought them dry goods but they also have refrigeration and freezer space available.
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June 14, 2014
Gotta love Bernie's. Have the prime rib. It looks like it came off a brontosaurus and tastes great.
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