Review Detail

3.7 85
New Mexico 101261
November 2016
Overall rating
Overall Experience
Major improvements. WiFi and cable both working fine. But, maybe most appreciated for those who have wandered through post to get here - Mesquite (the road that goes in front of the FamCamp) has been put through to the road that the commercial gate is on. Now you just come through the commercial gate, take the first right and go til you get to the FamCamp. I don't think it shows on google maps yet you can see it on the satellite view.
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April 04, 2017
We followed your suggestion regarding the commercial gate and were denied access to the base using that gate. We were told to turn around and go to the main gate because only commercial traffic can enter through the commercial gate. The main gate is a nightmare to get through with a 42' motor coach, towing a extended cab pickup, but we made without a scratch. I wish we could have used the commercial gate. It's much wider and much easier. The gate guard said the rules changed a year ago which we question since your post is less than a year old.
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