The Kennedy Space Center in Florida operates the Kennedy Athletic, Recreation, and Social (KARS) Park. The KARS Parks are operated and maintained by non-appropriated funds generated by the Exchange Stores, Child Development Center and KARS Park membership and facility usage fees. Until recently, KARS Park was only open to NASA employees and military assigned at the Kennedy Space Center, along with family and friends. However, they recently opened KARS Park to active duty and retired military personnel. Note that the Veterans Health Idendification Card isn't accepted.

KARS Park has numerous outdoor recreational facilities, including a RV Park and campground. There's 104 RV sites that include water and electric. There's also a primitive camping area for tents. They also have 2 dump stations. You do need to purchase an annual KARS Park membership, which is only $15 a year. Here's a review from a reader who relayed to use that KARS Park is now open to the military:

"All said and done it cost us $15 a night and we have a free night coming for that stay. If anyone is too lazy to take a trip to one of the two dump stations every week or two there is a honey dipper truck for $10.  I can't believe the number of "military" guys who have never heard of a sea shower much less know how to take one. This place is so laid back it is a dream. I've stayed at many, many military Famcamps/RV parks, none of them have the extent of facilities this one provides and we are eligible to use it as long as you have the proper ID card. Isn't there some way for you to include this great destination? It would be a shame for folks to not learn of it and then it closes from non use. Maybe I should shut up and keep it for ourselves. ;-) A marina, fishing, nature trails, ball fields, meeting halls and pavillions, rocket and shuttle launch viewing from NASA and Canaveral Air Force Station, Port Canaveral cruise ships across the river, wildlife (keep small dogs away from the alligators!), inexpensive RV and boat storage (yes, for retirees too), and so forth. 30 Minutes to Partick AFB, 5 to the Kennedy Space Center attractions."

=====> Click here to learn more about KARS Park at their website.

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