Review Detail

4.3 135
South Carolina 179236
Mar 15 - May 12, 2020
Overall rating
Overall Experience
We originally had a 7-day reservation. 5 days into our reservation, the FamCamp closed due to COVID-19. However, they allowed anyone already in the FamCamp to stay until they opened again. If we left, we wouldn't be able to return. Following the "stay at home" guidelines, we decided to stay put. We live in our motorhome, so this was a new home base for awhile. The camp hosts were very friendly and we saw them everyday. Although they weren't working anymore, since the campground was closed, they kept us informed of what was happening. The office, restrooms, and laundry were closed, but we still had full hook-ups. We mostly stayed and shopped on base at first. After a month or so, they stopped letting retired military use the commissary except on the weekends. It was a zoo! We decided to start shopping off-base. Although we couldn't travel, we enjoyed our extended visit here. We did get to do a little self-guided sight-seeing in town. The state parks in Virginia and Pennsylvania started to open again in mid-May, so we decided to move on then. We'll be back, someday!
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