Review Detail
4.2 55
Laughlin AFB FamCamp
February 20-29, 2020
Overall rating
Overall Experience
Almost the only thing good about Laughlin Famcamp is that it’s a stopover. Others have commented about the large sites with privacy fences, but what good is that if there’s little else in the way of campground amenities? There’s no shower or laundry facility in the campground. If you do have laundry, you can go to “Laughlin Manor” lodging facility across the road and up a hill, where you pay $10.00 for the privilege whether you have one load to wash or ten. I said thank you to the staff there for allowing me to use a luggage cart to get my laundry into the building and onto the second floor. I took advantage of the 5 great washing machines and dryers and washed far more than $10.00+ of laundry. There was also literally no one else around and the machines look rarely used. But I’m just your laundry before you get here unless you want the hassle.
You might think that sitting out here in the middle of south Texas would be tranquil simply because you’re nearly 10 miles from any town. What you don’t realize until a Monday morning is that the training sorties go on and on and on and on throughout the day. At any moment, you can easily count 8-10 aircraft in the air at the same time. Don’t get me wrong. I’m an aviation nerd. But....when you can barely carry on a phone conversation it gets a bit frustrating. Noise fatigue is a thang.
I also discovered after the fact that only the sites where people are staying long term are permitted access to cable hookup despite all sites having the connectivity capability....yet all visitors pay the same $25/day. Doesn’t seem right given that that could be the single positive to enduring everything else that goes on here. This is the only Famcamp I’ve visited in nearly 10 years of RV travel that required I pay in full in advance.....only to arrive and find I’ve paid $25/day for what? I would recommend you not plan to stay here long. To avoid sounding like a Scrooge, I will say this: the cashiers in the BX (which the campground sits behind) were friendly. Staff in the office, however, whisper.... couldn’t get them to speak above a whisper, not just on the phone but in person. Nice enough, but grrrr frustrating.
You might think that sitting out here in the middle of south Texas would be tranquil simply because you’re nearly 10 miles from any town. What you don’t realize until a Monday morning is that the training sorties go on and on and on and on throughout the day. At any moment, you can easily count 8-10 aircraft in the air at the same time. Don’t get me wrong. I’m an aviation nerd. But....when you can barely carry on a phone conversation it gets a bit frustrating. Noise fatigue is a thang.
I also discovered after the fact that only the sites where people are staying long term are permitted access to cable hookup despite all sites having the connectivity capability....yet all visitors pay the same $25/day. Doesn’t seem right given that that could be the single positive to enduring everything else that goes on here. This is the only Famcamp I’ve visited in nearly 10 years of RV travel that required I pay in full in advance.....only to arrive and find I’ve paid $25/day for what? I would recommend you not plan to stay here long. To avoid sounding like a Scrooge, I will say this: the cashiers in the BX (which the campground sits behind) were friendly. Staff in the office, however, whisper.... couldn’t get them to speak above a whisper, not just on the phone but in person. Nice enough, but grrrr frustrating.