Review Detail

4.2 81
Texas 145258
January 2016
Overall rating
Overall Experience
There should be a 90 day limit to a stay. I noticed active duty are LIVING here and i am sure getting full BAQ since it is not on base housing. the cost is $440 which is about half of the BAQ so the are going to stay here. Also TDY people should have a limit also since they get per Diem which is much more than the cost of the site. They stay here so they can bring the whole family and pets with them and still get full per diem. Yes active duty should get a priority, but only when on leave or waiting for base housing maybe. All of the full service sites stay full because it is a small park. The partial hookups are never full so they should have to move over there till more than one full service slot is open. 90 days is plenty for me, but i would not mind moving to the partial slots for a few days. Lackland really needs to make all sites full service and a few years ago i was told another 60 slots were going to be built in the field that is empty. I guess the cuts in money messed that up. Even Tops in Blue has been canceled now.  Also it is very dark in the park at night on the street. The lights are in the middle. If only staying for a few days, there is always space in partial hookups.
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February 01, 2016
I have never had trouble getting a full spot here. Seems like the winter would be a busy time for RV parks in south Texas.
Tom White
February 08, 2016
every slot including over flow was full this past week and every full slot has been full for sometime now. I just renewed my spot for the last time before going back to Tennessee. In the corner by the back one RV has all their stuff all over the place outside and park in the grass across the street. Has been that way since i got here in December. Others were here when i got here, i say at least 3/4 of the full slots were here in December. I would call here if you want a full slot or be stuck in a no sewer slot. That is OK if here only for a few days, plus they are drive through and shown on the picture for this camp ground.
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