Review Detail
4.2 81
JBSA - Lackland FamCamp
Feb 10, 2016
(Updated: February 23, 2016)
Overall rating
Overall Experience
Good RV park, a little crowded but not surprised by this being the time of year it is. They were full when we arrived but we were able to get a spot within 24 hours from overflow. We tried staying at Fort Sam RV Park but they are booked through March! Got to know some of our neighbors that have been there a couple months who are waiting on base housing. The policy is they can stay there up to 180 days within a year but rotate out every 30 days. Looks like some of the comments below by the homesteading police are purely based on assumption and not reality. The office is open 6 days a week and they went above and beyond to accommodate us to ensure we were next to get a hookup spot. Love the upgrades to the laundry room and appreciate the positive attitudes from the staff there. Being that they are 100% full looks like they are doing something right.
5 results - showing 1 - 5
February 21, 2016
The people that say they are waiting on base housing are liars. There are empty homes on base and the 6 month policy is also not true. The guy working here lets you stay as long as you like and anybody can do it. That is until complaints reach the office by more travelers wanting to stay no more than 90 days and most less. Also this park is NOT 100% full hookups. The drive through do not have sewer hookups. Also i am parked right next to the office and know when they are there and 6 hours is a big stretch. They are there maximum of 4 hours maybe 4 days a week. The guy that had strict rules and kicked people out for 24 hours after 30 days had a stroke and retired. He was retired military also. The guy there now also runs the pool on the west side of the base that is covered and heated. Go to the policy rules on top of this page and you will see it is supposed to be a 30 day stay only and at Fort Sam when full they make you move out. If not full they will let you extend. This park has been full for some time now and the over flow has been full also. Tonight there is a 5th wheel across the street outside the park in a parking lot. If i got here and it was full,knowing this area, as i grew up on Lackland since 1962, i know where the RV parks are and the prices. One on Potranco road is cheap and monthly is $400. It is not a resort, but is nice and secure. This place is far from a resort. Plus how do you get the laundry is an "upgrade" when you go from free to $1.50 a load? Nobody has rotated out of here since i have been here in December, so i don't either but will be leaving next month as snowbird time is up. The people on the corner have their junk all around their RV and park in the grass across the street and their kids have a fort built in the woods. They have been here long before us too from talking to people. Base Housing Office said there is a short waiting list of less than 30 days. With manpower shortened, less is needed, plus there is more with the brand new homes built. I hope you enjoyed the overflow. I will never stay there for $7.00 a night boondocking. I will go off base and stay if this place is full. Oh, i watched 5 RVs leave today as they tried to find an open space and there were none. That was just today. I think 90 days is a good number or go by what Fort Sam is doing. Glad i came in early December when there were spots. Look up the housing office and ask them what the wait is for housing, you will find out your "friends" here lied.
February 21, 2016
Oh one thing when i was waiting for base housing when i arrived at a base, i was given Per Diem for every day waiting and stayed in the nicest hotel and ate the nicest meals and still had extra. You get BAH also and living on base you lose that so living on base even in An RV you should lose some BAH, but if they are truly waiting, they are also getting Per Diem.I do not think permanent party can be here unless family members are using your RV. This park is for active duty on leave and National Guard but they get Per diem while active too, so why would you want to stay here? I was on Per Diem for 3 months at one base waiting for housing. Here there is no wait. Call the BHO and find out. Personnel cuts have made it easy to get base housing now. At some bases they even let retirees rent base housing because they have so much and the cuts are so big.
February 22, 2016
In reply to an earlier comment
We departed the park today and enjoyed our stay. Hope you make time to do the same.
March 01, 2016
In reply to an earlier comment
I checked with base housing and there are homes available. Housing now is civilian controlled. Should not be any permanent party people in the park. They are avoiding paying out their BAH in base housing by living here in the park.
March 01, 2016
If they are 100% full they should be rotating people out instead of making people stay in over flow. There is base housing available and permanent party are staying in the park. Maybe should be a 90 day limit and one week out. 3/4 of the park are homesteaders. Some active duty and some retirees. I bet when we come back in December a lot of the same people will be here if the policy is not changed or the current 30 day rule not enforced.
5 results - showing 1 - 5