Review Detail

3.8 34
Texas 57331
April 2017
Overall rating
Overall Experience
Dyess FamCamp is overpriced for the area, for the campground, for the space, and for what it offers. Many much better, much nicer Famcamps are way less money. This is basically a parking lot, with short sites, spaced closely together. The back in sites are not even numbered so that those of us arriving with reservations can know which site to park in! How hard is it to number the sites??? Sites are short, and pretty close to neighbors considering the vacant base land all around. There are many homesteaders, and they occupy the pull throughs. Why do long term stays have pull throughs, while visitors have the back in sites? Move the homesteaders to the back ins! Let those passing through have the pull through sites! Sorry, we need to compare Famcamps to Famcamps, not Famcamps to billeting/lodging rooms. The "immaculate shower facilities" don't even have hand soap at the sinks! The information board on the outside of the laundry/shower facility has no information on it. The folder with "base maps" inside the laundry room has no maps in it. We have stayed in Famcamps across the nation, and even at $25 per night this one would be overpriced. Truly, this Famcamp is a disgrace in the overall system. It saddens me that Dyess has overpriced for the area, while offering so little for the high price (as FamCamps go). I planned to move the VFW off base near the gate, but they are 100 percent full. I certainly see why the VFW campground is full, and the base FamCamp is not. By the way, the "very cute power/water towers at each site" are a industry standard on newer campgrounds. I see the exact same "very cute power/water towers" very often in our travels, including many FamCamps. The only thing saving this campground is the homesteaders paying by the month. I certainly will never return again at a daily rate again at the price gouging on here. And that is a true shame as this is the base I retired at. Call the VFW and if they have space to go there instead. I can see why so many others have done EXACTLY that. 
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