Review Detail

4.2 81
Texas 145258
10-17 August 2017
Overall rating
Overall Experience
first thing is that the types of sites available has changed... there are no longer any partial sites, they were upgraded to include sewer now... so there are now 41 full hook-up sites... the former 12 partial sites are pull-thrus while the 29 original full sites are back-ins... not sure if the 29 have CATV but the 12 do not... and the rates are different now... $20/night, $120/week and $440/month... since they recently added sewer to the pull-thru sites the ground is still soft, the office staff stated they will be adding concrete pads in the future... when we were coming into town we called the office to check availability, that was about 2pm, we left a message asking to be called back, we arrived at about 3pm and no one was still in the office. there was 1 site open so we took it (first come, first served), set up and went to the office about 4pm to register/pay and he was in the shower??? office hours are supposedly Mon-Thur 0900-1700, Closed Fri & Sat, Sun 1000-1400. Looks like there are several homesteaders that have been in their site for more than 30 days...
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August 11, 2017
butchc0830, A great review, I like it. You did a excellent job of objectively describing the physical environment, future plans, while identifying some areas of improvement opportunities. You showed no signs of emotional discomfort or making judgement calls about something for which you did not have enough information. Jokingly I'd say, "You must be wearing big person pants today". "Way to go". I know that people like you, whom (sic) submit a review, do so to share your experiences and observations to other MCG users and as a venue to send a message of "food-for-thought" for those in the a position to implement improvements. Believe me when I say, "I am not trying to patronize you, you deserve to be complemented".
January 10, 2018
Perhaps the showering employee was on a lunch break and just came from the fitness center.
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