Review Detail

4.0 53
Washington 104359
June 10 - June 20, 2017
Overall rating
Overall Experience
The directions are accurate, but ONLY if you are a smaller rig. The drive through the main gate is too curvy for big rigs (we are 45') and there is a sign when you get close that says nothing over 37' in that entrance. By the time we got to the sign, it was too late to get out. They had to hold up traffic, we had to unhitch the tow vehicle and then it took two gate guards to help us maneuver through. We were told there is a commercial entrance that takes you into Fort Lewis and then there is a bridge over to McChord. We found that the larger sites were in general overgrown, indicating poor maintenance. I had to chop weeds away from the service pedestal in order to hook up the water, sewer and electric. TV channels depend on where you are located. The area for smaller rigs had was open enough that TV service, but the area where larger rigs park was so surrounded by trees that we were not able to acquire any TV channels. Next year we plan to stay at a commercial park. Do not plan to come back to McChord 
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