For your information the 2008 Gun Rights Policy Conference is at the Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix AZ on Sept. 26, 27, & 28th. It is free and so is the lunch on Sat. It is sponsored by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Second Amendment Foundation. They have several great speakers scheduled including Massad Ayoob (one of the most famous writters and expert witness and founder of LFI), also Wayne LaPierra - NRA, and several others. First time this has been held in Phoenix in several years.
So if you are close to the Phoenix area you may want to attend, it is all free, but you do need to register and let them know if you will attend the lunchen so they can plan how much to fix.
You can register, and find more information at
There is still time to do this. Looking at the schedule Saturday is the main day for the Speakers & Lunch.
Darv Meler